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how to
your Medicaid coverage

Here’s a step-by-step guide to renewing your coverage.

Remember, we’re here to help. Call us with questions: 866-606-3700 (TTY: 711).

Renewing your Medicaid is how you can keep your healthcare coverage for another year.

Every year, everyone with Medicaid coverage needs to go through a renewal process. Everybody’s renewal date is different, so it’s important that you get ready to renew now.

Here’s what you need to do:

step 1

Log in to HFS Manage My Case.

Go to and log in to your Manage My Case account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one.

Did you know? You can manage all of your benefits online through HFS Manage My Case. Learn more about everything you can do with Manage My Case.

These links will take you to websites run by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS).

step 2

Icon of a location pin between a house and building.
Icon of a location pin between a house and building.

Verify your address.

If you have Medicaid coverage, it is important to keep your address up to date. This is because important documents, like your renewal form, come in the mail.

To verify your address in HFS Manage My Case, go to and log in to your account.

In the portal, click “Contact Us.” Then check or update your household information.

You can also verify your address over the phone. Call 1-800-843-6154 (TTY: 1-866-324-5553), Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

These links will take you to websites run by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS).

step 3

Icon of a blank calendar.
Icon of a blank calendar.

Find your due date.

You need to renew your Medicaid coverage once per year. You can find your next due date, also called a redetermination date, through HFS Manage My Case. First, log in or create an account. Then, click on the “Benefit Details” tab to see when your renewal date is.

Want reminders when it’s time to renew? Click on the “Account Management” tab in Manage My Case. Under “Manage your communications preferences,” opt in for text and email alerts.

These links will take you to websites run by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS).

step 4

Icon of a closed mailbox.
Icon of a closed mailbox.

Watch your mail.

You will get your renewal materials in the mail about one month before your due date. The envelope will look like this.

Your materials will include an official letter about your Medicaid status. It will tell you if you need to complete a form to renew your benefits.

step 5

Icon of a letter. It shows how to complete a renewal form.
Icon of a letter. It shows how to complete a renewal form.

Complete your renewal.

Your letter may say you need to complete a renewal form in order to keep your coverage. Be sure to fill out and turn in your form before your due date (redetermination date) to avoid losing your Medicaid benefits.

Your form will ask you to provide information about your family and finances. Learn more about the information and documents you may need to fill out your form.

You can choose how to complete and submit your renewal form:

Icon of a computer screen and phone screen.

Renew online
You can fill out your renewal form online through your Manage My Case portal. 
Log in or create an account

Icon of an envelope.

Renew by mail

Fill out the form you got with your letter and use the prepaid envelope to mail it back.

Icon of a telephone with a speech bubble next to it. Inside the speech bubble is a plus sign.

Renew over the phone

You can provide all of your renewal information over the phone. Call HFS toll-free at 1-800-843-6154 (TTY: 1-866-324-5553), Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

These links will take you to websites run by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS).

We’re here to guide you through the renewal process.

Use this interactive tool to learn what to do next.

What happens next

After you submit your renewal form, the state’s Medicaid office at HFS will let you know if you’re still eligible for Medicaid. If you are, you don’t have to do anything else—you’re covered!

If you are no longer eligible for Medicaid, don’t worry. You may be able to connect to coverage at work or through the official Affordable Care Act Marketplace for Illinois,

Questions you may have

Your renewal is due once per year. To find your due date (also called a redetermination date), log in to HFS Manage My Case at Then, click on the “Benefit Details” tab. Do you want reminders when it’s time to renew? Opt in for text and email alerts in the “Account Management” tab under “Manage your communications preferences.”

Manage My Case is an online portal run by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS). Manage My Case allows you to stay informed on the status of your benefits and manage your case information, all with fewer trips to your local benefits office.

learn more

You can verify your address in HFS Manage My Case. Log in or create an account. Then, click “Contact Us” and check your household information. You can also verify your address over the phone. Call 1-800-843-6154 (TTY: 1-866-324-5553), Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Your renewal form will ask you for information about your family and finances. You may need to provide documents for some items. You will likely need:

  • The name, date of birth, and Social Security number of each person in your household who is on your plan
  • The immigration status for anyone in your household who is not a U.S. citizen
  • Information about your household’s income. This includes money earned from a job or any child or spousal support you get. You may need to include paystubs or other documents with your form
  • Information about your household’s assets. This includes how much money you have in the bank
  • Information about your monthly expenses. This could include your housing costs, utility bills, and any daycare expenses you have

Learn more about what you may need from HFS.

You will have about one month to complete and submit your form. To find your due date, also called a redetermination date, log in to HFS Manage My Case. Click on the “Benefit Details” tab to see when your renewal date is.

No. You just need to fill out one form for your whole household.

Yes. You will have coverage until you get your decision. If you still qualify, then you have coverage for another year. If you don’t, then the decision letter will tell you when your Medicaid coverage will end. You will usually have 30 to 60 days to enroll in another plan. See your options to connect to care beyond Medicaid.

If you are no longer eligible for Medicaid, don’t worry. You may be able to connect to coverage at work or through the official Affordable Care Act Marketplace for Illinois, Learn more about your options.

Questions? Contact us.

Call us with your Medicaid renewal questions.

Meridian Member Services
866-606-3700 (TTY: 711)

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.